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Save a life today and immunise an orphan baboon against tetanus....


Years of love and resources are poured into each being that arrives to the centre.  A disease or condition like tetanus can take these lives in an instant.  It is so vital to ensure all the animals are vaccinated.  Vaccines save lives.  Download the information poster.  Save a life today!


We will send you a photo and certificate of the baboon you helped.


Perhaps you will sponsor a baboon's immunizations as a gift to someone special?  Just let us know when you process the donation.

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$100 now to Give Life-Saving Immunizations to Protect an Adult Baboon Orphan for 10 years against tetanus!

Each adult baboon must recieve 4 shots of tetavax (R72 per shot), which must be administered in a dart (each costing just under R200).  Whilst we now immunize all incoming baby baboons, we have a lot of adults to catch up with.  If you choose to immunize an adult we will send you a photo and certificate of the baboon you helped.

Make a difference today, you hold the power in your hands to save a life.

Each baby baboon must recieve 4 shots of tetavax (R72 per shot), which must be administered through a hand injection (syringes costing a few dollars).  We must immunize all incoming baby baboons.  If you choose to immunize a baby baboon we will send you a photo and certificate of the baboon you helped.

$30 now to Give Life-Saving Immunizations to Protect a Baby Baboon Orphan for 10 years against tetanus!

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